GOAL nominated for the What's On 4 Juniors Award!
Best Local Activity and Outstanding Activity Leader!
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

We are delighted to be nominated again this year! It would be such an achievement to win any of these categories for 2017.
- Best Local Baby & Preschooler activity (0-5 years)
- Best Local School Aged Activity
- Most Outstanding Activity Leader (0-5 years)
- Most Outstanding Activity Leader (5-12 years)

GOAL launches in Raymonds Terrace!
Find us at King Park Sports Complex
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Very excited to be expanding our classes in the Port Stephens area, with our brand new classes at Raymonds terrace at King Park Sports Complex, Newline Road.
Come join in the fun!

GOAL Wins Again!
Best Local School Aged Activity
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

We are very excited and proud to announce that we have won the "Best Local School Aged Activity" as voted by parents, at the Whats on 4 Junior Awards 2016.
And we were finalists for "Most Outstanding Activity Leader 5 - 12 Years (Stuart Casey).
Thank you to everyone that voted for us.

GOAL is the Winner of What's On 4 Juniors award!
Most Outstanding Activity Leader 5-12 years (activity teachers/coaches etc.)
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Children's soccer is all about the individual loving the game: shooting, dribbling, playing games and of course the thrill of scoring GOALS. It is very simple and lots of fun, after all that's why it is called 'the beautiful game'.

GOAL launches in Medowie
Find us at Kindlebark Oval!
Friday, April 17, 2015

Very excited to be expanding our classes in the Port Stephens area, with our brand new classes at Medowie at Kindlebark Oval.
Come join in the fun!

Rose Bay Street Fair!
GIANT soccer ball fun!
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Great fun at the Rose Bay Street Fair, our GIANT soccer ball free event was a huge success!
Thanks to everyone who came along to say hi and score a penalty!

Westfield Kotara Event!
FREE fun goal scoring soccer event
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Goal Soccer Academy had a great time offering the FREE fun goal scoring soccer event at Westfield Kotara!

GOAL nominated for the What's On 4 Juniors Award!
Most Outstanding Activity Leader 5-12 years (activity teachers/coaches etc.)
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Very excited to be nominated again for the Most Outstanding Activity Leader 5-12 years (activity teachers/coaches) !
Thank you to everyone who voted for us!

Congratulations to Coach Nathan
Gains C-Licence qualification
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Congratulations to coach Nathan who has gained his FFA / AFC Advanced 'C' Licence Youth qualifications.
These courses are designed to educate coaches how to organise and conduct coaching practices under the FFA National Curriculum.

Coogee Fair Fun Day
Great day out for everyone!
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Happy Halloween
Scary soccer!
Friday, October 31, 2014

Our fantastic Halloween soccer event was a great success, thank you to everyone who dressed up and joined in the fun!

Soccer Super Hero's!
For all our little super stars!
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Our fantastic Soccer Super Hero event was a great success, thank you to everyone who dressed up and joined in the fun!

GOAL launches in Sutherlandshire!
Find us at Seymour Shaw Park!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Excited to be launching our new camp in Sutherlandshire!
The camp will be headed up by Coach Nathan and sessions will take place in Seymour Shaw Park in Miranda.

Support Red Nose Day with kids soccer
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Goal Soccer Academy, one of the resident kids soccer training programs based at Centennial Parklands, is pitching in for a good cause – and you can benefit (and help!).

GOAL is the Winner of What's On 4 Juniors award!
Most Outstanding Activity Leader 5-12 years (activity teachers/coaches etc.)
Monday, June 2, 2014

Children's soccer is all about the individual loving the game: shooting, dribbling, playing games and of course the thrill of scoring GOALS. It is very simple and lots of fun, after all that's why it is called 'the beautiful game'.

GOAL is coming to Port Stephens!
What's On magazine article
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What: Goal Soccer Academy is coming to Port Stephens!
Where: Tomaree Sports Complex, Nelson Bay Road
Ages: Childern aged 2 -5 year old
Cost: $160 per child (for 8 weeks program commencing July 28th)

Goal Soccer Academy launches in Centennial Park
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Former UK professional footballer, Stuart Casey, is establishing a new football coaching clinic in Centennial Park – and not only will be a great opportunity for kids, but mums will benefit as well!
Goal Soccer Academy will begin operations in February 2014, and will bring a fresh approach to kids skills development and training to the Parklands.
Goal Soccer Academy launches in Centennial Park
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Centennial Parklands welcomes a great new soccer (football) academy this month - Goal Soccer Academy - an exciting soccer school dedicated to children’s soccer coaching and soccer skill development.
Goal Soccer Academy offers quality soccer coaching for kids in a fun and stimulating environment, in order to encourage and develop a love of soccer at a young age.
GOAL's cinema advert
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Visit our Facebook page and check our videos!